Prehistory of the Ouachita River Valley, Louisiana and Arkansas edited by Jon L. Gibson.
A Brief History of Archaeological Work in the Ouachita Valley, Arkansas by Ann M. Early.
An Evaluatory History of Archaeology in the Ouachita Valley of Louisiana by Jon L. Gibson.
Archaeological Investigations in the Ouachita River Valley, Bayou Bartholomew to Riverton, Louisiana by Reca Bamburg Jones.
Mounds on the Ouachita by Jon L. Gibson.
A Reconnaissance of the Boeuf Basin, Louisiana by John S. Belmont.
Excavations at the Crane Lake Site (16MO41), Morehouse Parish, Louisiana by G. R. Dennis Price.
Ouachita Prehistory by Jon L. Gibson.
Louisiana Archaeology: An Index to the First Ten Years by William E. Moore.
Number 10, 1983 (published 1985) (out of print, download available)