The Charles E. Klueppel Site (16CT479): An Early Mississippi Period Ceramic Anomaly in the Lower Tensas Basin, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana by Donald G. Hunter and Katherine M. Roberts.
An Exploration into Archaeology's Past: The 1926 Expedition of Henry B. Collins, Jr. in Louisiana by Chip McGimsey.
Archaeological Investigations at the Scott Place Mounds (16UN4), Union Parish, Louisiana by James Harty.
A Description of Ceramic Sherds from the James Jones site (16UN81) by James Harty.
Dendrochronology in Louisiana: A Brief and Preliminary Statement by R.W. Neuman.
Marksville Then and Now: 75 Years of Digging by Chip McGimsey, Katherine M. Roberts, H. Edwin Jackson, and Michael L. Hargrove.
Number 26, 1999 (published 2005)